You Can Help Improve the Content

Life happens from time to time, but you can help improve the Dismythed sites while you wait for posts.

Over at Salvation vs., we have many posts that provide info-dumps on the Trinity, hellfire, the Mosaic Law and other information. It is a lot of information. You can help find errors in posts there or here at Dismythed or at JW Advisor. There may be grammatical errors, spelling errors or information that should be brought more in line with Jehovah's Witnesses publications. I do recall there were a couple of points that needed adjustment to be in line with the publications, but I don't remember which. Maybe you think something could be stated in a way that reflects better on Jehovah, or maybe you have a scripture that should be addressed. You do not have to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses to make a suggestion. Only erroneous comments, rude people or former Jehovah's Witnesses get rejected.

If you are looking for an activity to fill downtime, feel free to help improve these sites. Any help is appreciated. Why not give it a try by taking a look at the following series of articles?:

Salvation vs. the Trinity/Binity
