Suggestion Boxes
Science Myths | Cult Myths
Theological Myths | JW Myths
We are not out of ideas for blog posts, but we are interested in what you want to know more about. What issues may be hanging you or someone you know up that do not involve anything we have already written (See the list of articles on the left sidebar) or which you believe what we have already written does not adequately address. This is not a discussion, but a suggestion box.
If a subject is not extensive enough for its own post, we will add a comment below addressing the subject that is the same as a post.
This site only addresses claims made about God, the Bible, science and Jehovah's Witnesses. See the JW Advisor page for personal advice. We do not provide spiritual food.
Note: This suggestion box is only for those seeking understanding and research. Please do not post with rude statements seeking only to cause trouble. Your posting here says that you have no such intention. (John 8:42-47; Revelation 21:8) We accept comments regardless of a person's feelings about Jehovah's Witnesses as long as they are respectful to the reader in general and are not obviously from former members of Jehovah's Witnesses.