The Anti-cult Lens [Cult Myths]

[Updated Sep 9, 2024.]

This is a word of caution about how the thinking in this series might affect you concerning the former times of existing groups.

The pasts of groups should not be judged by the standards presented in the Cult Myths series or by any modern anti-cultists. Certainly, violent persecution was always dangerous or destructive, but the impacts of words were not fully understood before the modern age of psychiatry, sociology and anti-cultists. Even up to this point understanding has been imperfect and mankind is still learning. More understanding may still yet be coming.

Former Times

Some groups, in their innocence, may have thought it appropriate to openly speak out against other groups, even with signage and shouting. Until that was identified as a means of provocation, it was not seen as such by outside groups. In those days unoffended groups saw it only as striking out for lack of self-control, while affected groups likely thought of it as contradicting their own message and may have retaliated, thinking they were justified.

But now we can view this sort of thing for what it is: intimidation, verbal persecution and provocation. They didn’t understand that back then. Any group should certainly be concerned with violating laws, violent attitudes, negatively impacting society and negative press. If they are not, then at the very least they are negligent and obtuse, if not maliciously self-centered.


However, in modern politics, violent rhetoric and oppositional messaging is seen as sport and a means to incite change by demonstration of numbers, but it is no less dangerous and consciously used as a means of provocation and may even presage revolt and/or violent retaliation from the authorities.

But there is no excuse for such ignorance these days, given that seeking peace in order to change minds and involvement in the internal mechanisms of government or fighting in courts has proved more effective, even in corrupt regimes. Certainly money speaks louder than the loudest megaphone. Violence just brings pain and costs much more in the long run. Pull strings, not triggers.

In fact, speaking to religious people, unless your god* has specifically instructed you to interfere with the world’s affairs, you should probably just leave politics to your god and mind your own affairs unless you actually lack faith in your god.

Other Behaviors of Former Times

Here are some other behaviors of groups before the modern age of anti-cultists that they may not have been aware of as dangerous or destructive:

  • Malicious Reinterpretation
  • Anti-science
  • Thought Banning
  • Emotional Manipulation
  • Deprivation
  • Pleasure-seeking
  • Antisocial rhetoric
  • Shaming
  • Provoking One’s own Persecution
  • Abusive Excommunication
  • Unintentional Mystical Manipulation
  • Faith Testing
  • Militant Preparation
  • Perfectionism
  • Isolationism
  • Self-abuse (Asceticism)

Objectively Offensive Behaviors of the Past

Though a group may not have seen their persecuting other groups or other violent behaviors as dangerous or destructive, certainly everyone not belonging to that group did. Lying was also viewed by most people as unforgivable. So those behaviors cannot be excused no matter the period. Such behaviors include:

  • Purposeful Deception
  • Fear Mongering (Threats; Abusive Speech)
  • Crazing (Oppression; Exasperation; Gaslighting; Scrambling Memories)
  • Forced Conversion
  • Inciting Persecution
  • Human Sacrifice
  • Deceptive Mystical Manipulation
  • Abduction
  • Sexual Predation
  • Torture
  • Executions
  • Holy wars (War as religious self-righteousness rather than national defense or establishment.)

So any group that practiced these things before the advent of anti-cultism can be properly viewed as being dangerous or destructive even in their own times.

Unobtrusive Behaviors Formerly Seen as Dangerous

Additionally, in those days, things we can now objectively see as harmless or not directly dangerous or destructive, they once perceived as harmful. These include:

  • Unapproved Symbolism
  • Specialized Foreign Terms
  • Power of Suggestion
  • Self-determination
  • Sense Enjoyment
  • Proselytizing
  • Sacred Science
  • Rejected Medical Procedures
  • Receiving Persecution
  • Faith in a Different Belief
  • Prescience
  • Deifying Living Persons in Outside Organizations
  • Sexual Freedom

Many of these were deemed signs of witchcraft or the impinging of foreign deities and demon worship by outside groups. Most everything else was off their radar. Even something that was previously considered “unscientific” or directly dangerous, might now be understood to be healthful. Though before that, they may have been operating on faith alone, it must be accepted that they were not wrong. We have to swallow our pride and not make it a point of contention. We were wrong. We may not be able to fathom why they were right, but we must accept it. To do anything else is simply bigotry and arbitrary disdain, which reveals an unhealthy mindset.

Counter-cult Viewpoint

Consider that many back then were viewing things from a counter-cult viewpoint, which is highly subjective, and in most cases unenlightened, even today. To such ones, some things are “spiritual dangers”. This is not a wrong view for any religious group to have, but it is how they respond to such perceived “dangers” that defines whether the counter-cult were dangerous or destructive by past standards and whether a modern group can be declared such by modern, rather than past, standards.


If you find yourself identifying a group of former times as a dangerous or destructive group by modern standards, try considering whether, in those days, they might actually have viewed it as such. If they were persecuting an innocent behavior, how did they view it spiritually? If they spoke out in ways that might today be seen as inciting persecution, could we view them by the same standards in the absence of our current sensibilities?

If you are a politically active person (not belonging to a group that objects to such,) taking part in modern political demonstrations, consider how you participate based on modern understanding of what is dangerous or destructive behavior and how you might better behave. But do not judge past groups by such a standard. Violence has always been seen as a means of affecting change.

So try taking an informed, measured stance in regard to groups of former times. Most were innocent for a lack of the knowledge and understanding that we take for granted.

* The lowercase “god” is used simply to identify the condition of having the power and right to judge mankind while ignoring their status as a “God of gods” or “only true God.” There is no intent here to offend or overlook any figure of significance or favor one god over another, nor to promote a pantheon or exclude humans claiming to be a divine being. The lowercase is simply the most neutral and least loaded presentation of the word.
