Science Myths
Suggestion Box

What do you want to see us examine regarding science? What issues may be hanging you or someone you know up that do not involve anything we have already written (See the list of articles on the left sidebar) or which you believe that what we have already written does not adequately address.

This topic only addresses claims made about science, particularly as it relates to God, creation or any other Bible verse or account. We also consider where science goes off the rails. See the Science Myths menu on the sidebar for categories of examination we are interested in.

If a suggested subject or question is not extensive enough for its own post, we will add a comment addressing the subject or question that is the same as a post. Please post any replies inside the same comment. Posts are subject to deletion or edit if they do not comply with the commenting guidelines. Use the contact form for personal correspondence.

Note: This suggestion box is only for those seeking understanding and research. Please do not post with rude statements seeking only to cause trouble. Your posting here says that you have no such intention. (John 8:42-47; Revelation 21:8) We accept comments regardless of a person's feelings about Jehovah's Witnesses as long as they are respectful to the reader in general and are not obviously from former members of Jehovah's Witnesses.


Dismythed said…
The so-called "problem of evil", or "Why does God permit suffering?", in which atheists suggest that the existence of evil proves that God does not exist, is actually one of the easiest questions that Jehovah's Witnesses answer around the world on a daily basis:

God gave us free will and gave time enough to prove that we need his rule, because without him, we are doomed to fail. (Romans 3:23; Ecclesiastes 7:20) So far we have proved that without him, we will destroy ourselves either by nuclear holocaust, by destruction of our environment, by production of a super plague or by unraveling the universe, or at least our part of it. At the very least this time has shown that we are entirely incapable of actualizing the utopia that he put into our hearts to desire.—Ecclesiastes 8:9.

Unlike leaving a teenager at home alone for a weekend who then throws a party, or a four year old left in a running car for 30 seconds who proceeds to release the gear brake, mankind will never "grow out of it." They will always revisit these things again and again until one day they succeed in destroying themselves. God even gave us a do-over and a handicap, which we squandered. (Genesis 6:5-7, 17-20; 11:1-8) Even if we never do destroy ourselves, how can we be allowed to spread out into the universe when we can't even manage the planet we are on? (Psalm 14:3) We need God's guidance, and he already knows exactly when he will act.

That evil exists does not prove that God does not exist. It simply proves that we need God.—Jeremiah 10:33.
Dismythed said…
Hi, Mellow03.

I did not reply to your comment before. I need clarification in your own language.

You said something about suicide in relation to science, but I had trouble understanding what you were trying to say in English. I would prefer to translate your original language.