Welcome to JWs Understood!

Our new channel is up and running. We hope you like it. Enjoy this introduction to the channel. We will have our first subject video up soon.

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Prudence said…
Looking forward also.. Lots of thanks brother for defending our faith.
Dismythed said…
We thank you. Though as the publications have brought out, the faith only needs defending in courts of law, not public opinion. This video infomatic series is to clear up inaccurate impressions and misinformation for individuals in and out of the truth.

This website is also not for defending the faith, but for helping individuals who have been bitten by the poison of our opposers to think more carefully about what they have read, exposing and laying bare the true facts our opposers do not want people to see.
Unknown said…
I understand Defence of the faith is in court. However a newcomer studying with or thinking about it or even out of curiosity wanting to know more without commitment in today's day uses the Internet as their first port of call and as such the overwhelming avalanche of material in opposition to us needs to be counteracted as much as possible because people are not discussing the Bible with us due to this sheer amount of misinformation would you not agree? If not for websites like defend Jehovah's Witnesses and opposes demythed I would never have had the information at hand to counter many who oppose us online and the opposition found online has opened my eyes to the animosity that is directed against us I am shocked at the sheer scale and depths to which opposes we'll go to underminer us. It truly is a spiritual War

Dismythed said…
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but when the FDS says "the organization does not need defending", that is precisely what they are talking about. Besides that, knowingly interacting with disassociated ones and apostates is a disciplinary action, regardless of the intent of the interaction.

We do not need to debate the truth. Writing to an elder, Paul wrote, "Keep reminding them of these things, charging them before God as witness, not to fight about words, a thing of no usefulness at all because it overturns those listening." (2Ti :14) And ultimately it is a spiritual danger to be avoided by all. Arguing with apostates and religious opposers does nothing useful but stunts your spiritual growth.

So please, focus on the ministry. Jesus did not go tracking down his religious opposers to argue with them. So neither do we.
Dismythed said…
When Jesus said "I came to call, not righteous people, but sinners," we was not referring to the Pharisees. He was referring to those who would actually listen to the message and repent. No one has ever gotten anyone to repent by going to their their oppositional webpage and arguing about their lies. Again, Jesus never went after the Pharisees to try to get them to repent. The Pharisees, the misguided religious leaders, were the ones who went after him and the disciples. Thus, it is Pharisaic practice, not Christian.
Dismythed said…
We use a moderated-comment blog because it falls within the guidelines of the 11/99 KM and is available to everyone equally. Social Networking on public forums and arguing about the truth with opposers is still frowned upon and indicates a lack of spiritual maturity.

Humility (meekness) and the fruitage of the spirit (righteousness) are what Jehovah wants us to exercise and to attend to our ministry in the real world rather than making life difficult for for our opposers. They are not the problem. Disobedience is the problem. Our brothers jeopardize themselves. This site is for helping the ones who are still truth-seekers and willing to become obedient.

I will not be discussing this subject any further.
Dismythed said…
By the way, though I assisted in its production. I am not the person in the video. We are a team.
Unknown said…
Hi just to add to my comments above and to let you know but when discussing things with other people interested or in opposition I do not argue with them...i present an alternative explanation that they may not have heard and send them a link to further information when needed and find that this is enough also I do not go under my own name.
I have written probably the equivalent of a couple of books in comments when put together on probably most subjects which involves the Jehovah's Witnesses and I do genuinely feel that it is right to do it and from the comments of others it shows people read them and only Jehovah knows how they feel about them but on top of this I do the scriptural supported ministry work of door to door Street and business witnessing however i voice dictate answers or questions or comments at any time of the day or night and I've never booked any of this time to my ministry because to me it's not about hours or time it's about people's lives... and this is a sideline there has been incredibly Faith strengthening to me.
To find out information that answers people's criticisms means looking into our past in detail in order to answer some questions I have found the faithful and discreet slave to be genuine and concerned for the Sheep and defence of them is also a motivating Factor although I know they don't need it from me. under my pseudonym you will not find a single harsh word to opposers or critics as I don't see that it wins hearts or Minds I treat my comments in text as though I have said them in person because no one is truly anonymous on the Internet if anyone cares to dig a little.
I wish you the best with your website and I will use your information to continue to learn and I hope many learn from it also

Dismythed said…
Sorry, Unknown, but we do not share names of other sites and channels here, as occassionally ones go apostate.