Opposers Dismythed
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We are not out of ideas for blog posts, but we are interested in what you want to know more about. What issues may be hanging you or someone you know up that do not involve anything we have already written (See the list of articles on the left sidebar) or which you believe what we have already written does not adequately address. This is not a discussion, but a suggestion box.
If a subject is not extensive enough for its own post, we will add a comment below addressing the subject that is the same as a post.
This site only addresses claims made about God, the Bible, science and Jehovah's Witnesses. See the JW Advisor page for personal advice. We do not provide spiritual food.
Note: This suggestion box is only for those seeking understanding and research. Please do not post with rude statements seeking only to cause trouble. Your posting here says that you have no such intention. (John 8:42-47; Revelation 21:8) We accept comments regardless of a person's feelings about Jehovah's Witnesses as long as they are respectful to the reader in general and are not obviously from former members of Jehovah's Witnesses.
If not, what would you recommend as a Hebrew equivalent to the KIT?
Thank you.
We're glad you appreciate our blog. That is a decent subject. Unfortunately, we are currently backlogged with articles. If someone would like to submit an article on the subject, we would be glad to post it.
It is no great secret that the Organization accepts being named as beneficiaries of trust funds, hedge funds and other arrangements as private donations. They do not set up those things for benefit to themselves, which is why the fund in question was set up by the person in question and names the Watchtower Society as beneficiary back just before the "Jehovah's Witnesses" donation arrangment was put in place. They have many such trusts donated or willed to them. It is not them participating in corporate money-making since they are not the ones setting up those accounts.
Just to be clear, that is the way private individuals choose to provide continuous donation arrangements to us.
Usually, its our lying apostates that claim something "secret" is going. This is in part why the organization encourages people to make it their responsibility to find out about Jehovah's Witnesses by reading for themselves.
Easy, and it takes hardly any time. Of course, it takes a desire for truth to do that and accept what's uncovered, though propaganda and confirmation bias is easier to come by.
Note my latest comments at the bottom of the page.
Those latest comments on the bottom of the page proves that Jws have a religious environment that positively minimizes child abuse, with the focus on prevention especially through our education of parents and children.
At this stage in your studies, I recommend sticking to the Bible until after your baptism.
Never, and I mean NEVER argue about the Bible and ignore anyone who wants to accuse the organization. We don't kill people, we don't brainwash people and we improve people's lives and give them a hope for the future based solely on the Bible. That's what matters.
A lesson I only recently learned about teaching is never provide defenses against accusations brought to you by students exploring accusations. It only encourages them to do it more. (2Ti 2:16) No matter how many times you answer those questions, the only one they are going to remember is the last one in which you finally get fed up and say 'no more'. At that point, to them, you never answered a single question before it. Thus, it is a fruitless exercise that only ends up turning them away because they end up adopting tbe attitude of our apostates and opposers without any logical basis.
This site exists for ones to help themselves. They can come back and check it any time. It is not for new students to become familiar with accusations nor to go serching for accusations to ask us to defend.
Stick to your studies, get baptized and focus on serving Jehovah. Looking for arguments and battles to fight can only serve to impede your progress. It will do nothing to help you. It is never the accusations that are rebutted that cause problems. It is the ones you have yet to find the response to that cause the problems. So stop looking for things that need responses and you won't have a problem.
The shear volume of accusations are simply too great for one person to explore them all. A person will wear themselves out trying to answer them all and never come to an accurate knowledge of truth because they are not dedicating that time to Bible study. If you're chasing down accusations, then it means you're not studying and living your life the way you should.
Do you know how much time Jesus and his apostles spent on responding to accusations? Zero.
You can research any topic at all in the Publications Index at the wol.jw.org website or on the Watchtower Library CD-ROM.
You can contact us directly on this site using the contact form in the column to the right. I did not post a couple of your previous comments because they did not match up to our approval standards in A Note to Our Visitors.
You do not need permission to post links. Links are not intellectual property.
I am going to assume that you do not mean “made up” in the sense of fake, but mean, instead, “just use your bible trained mind for it”.
We only use references where it is necessary. For instance, in the Positive Media for Bloodless Surgery and Non-Blood Management post, we provide many links to non-jw sources to prove that advances in non-blood management are proving superior to blood transfusions in most cases and further advances are being made frequently, as well as correcting misinformation.
In the Gay Gene post, we provide extensive references to the studies done to show that the gay gene was not only not proven, but was effectively disproven.
But in neither of those posts do we quote the organization’s literature, because it would do nothing to prove or improve claims made in those posts. However, in the post, Do Jehovah's Witnesses 'Prohibit' College Education?, we provide extensive references to the organization’s literature to prove that we have never prohibited college education.
In other places, as a personal preference, I might quote the organizations literature because I personally like the way they worded something or if I personally could not state it more clearly.
We love our Bible-based literature, but we do not use it as a crutch, or to speak for us, or in the way one might use the Bible. (The writings of the “faithful and discreet slave” are not inspired.) The “faithful and discreet slave” has trained us all to use our own words where possible and given us an extensive library of publications to research in. But they are a religious organization, which automatically causes anything they write to be suspect by standards of evidence, so they cannot be used to prove anything but what we believe and teach.
I do recommend, however, that if one has a real itch to write to cleanse others of apostate poison, that they submit articles to us by contacting us using the contact form in the right column. We provide Submission Guidelines in the main menu and personalized help to improve quality and can help keep each other i check, spiritually, so that we don't fall prey to the same inclinations to haughty attitudes of certain apologists who have deviated into self-righteous apostasy. (Pr 11:14; Ecc 4:12)
This is not to say none are true as some are, but the best thing to do is to consider the reputation of the organization. We got our reputation of moral cleanliness because of our williness to disfellowship and shun unrepentant sinners incliding child abusers, and not covering them up. This protects children and members.
Trying to research details of each case is extremely time consuming as court documents are large, and it would require time that would be better spend in spiritual pursuits, or some other important tasks. It would also put you in touch with apostates.
"Now I know that you are able to do all things and that nothing you have in mind to do is impossible for you."
Job 33:4
"God’s own spirit made me, and the Almighty’s own breath brought me to life."
Ecclesiastes 12:7
"Then the dust returns to the earth, just as it was, and the spirit returns to the true God who gave it.“
Job 14:13-15
"O that in the Grave you would conceal me, that you would hide me until your anger passes by, that you would set a time limit for me and remember me! If a man dies, can he live again? I will wait all the days of my compulsory service until my relief comes. You will call, and I will answer you. You will long for the work of your hands."
Psalm 139:16
"Your eyes even saw me as an embryo; all its parts were written in your book regarding the days when they were formed, before any of them existed."
Isaiah 40:26
"Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. who has created these things? It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name. Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power, not one of them is missing."
Isaiah 59:1
"Look! The hand of Jehovah is not too short to save, nor is his ear too dull to hear."
Jeremiah 17:10
"I, Jehovah, am searching the heart, examining the innermost thoughts, to give to each one according to his ways, according to the fruitage of his works."
As these Scriptures demonstrate, Jehovah's power, memory and knowledge of our very thinking patterns is unlimited. He preserves the memory of our DNA. He is even able to preserve our very life force that he gave to us, from the day of our death, for the day of our resurrection. The dead will not be resurrected with their scars, but their flesh will be renewed. When he resurrects the anointed in these last days, they are changed in an instant. (1Co 15:51, 52) So if he changes the anointed from one kind of creature to another in an instant, preserving their lives and personalities, certainly he can restore us to exactly the way we are meant to be in perfect human flesh and it will be us, our same counsciousness. The same person that dies is the very same person resurrected.
I have a question that might have already been answered here (so I will continue to look.. )
Do you know why the brothers, when writing about th 1ST Century, write "governing body" with lower case "gb".
But when writing of the "Governing Body" today it in in upper case "GB"? Thank you in advance.
Most people are not exposed to enough aluminum to result in toxic effects. Generally, only those exposed to it in the air at or near an aluminum factory ever experience toxicity effects, usually only irritation related to inhalation.
So the Golden Age was only keeping up with the science of the day. Any blame to be had must be put on the shoulders of scientists, not publications of the Bible Students. The fact that the issue remains unresolved shows that concern in those days was not unwarranted, especially since aluminum build-up was proven to be connected to certain maladies.
Here is some useful information:
So before you jump to a conclusion about something taken out of context, read the whole article and ask what the point of the article is and who it is by.
For example, blurb taken out of context reads:
"If any overzealous doctor condemns your tonsils go and commit suicide with a case-knife. It's cheaper and less painful." Golden Age 1926 Apr 7 p.438
But when you go to read the actual article, the article starts with a statement about the source and why it was used. It says: "[The many members of the ever-expanding fraternity of de-tonsiled and de-uvulated citizens of the world will enjoy to the utmost this article by Professor Lewis, head of the Department of Chemistry of Northwestern University. Professor Lewis, among other things, is noted for his invention of the Lewisite gas during the World War.-Editor.]"
So that article was not a discouragement against the surgery at all. It was for -enjoyment-, by who? Not those planning to have tonsilectomies, but by those who had already had it done. As you read it, you will find that It was just a humor piece by a man who got a tonsilectomy and concluded with the joke quoted above about suicide by case-knife. (A pocket knife.) It was certainly not medical advice.
First of all, since passports were not made requirements in the United States except during its entry in World War I until 1920, and Rutherford did not leave the country during that time, Rutherford never faced the passport problem, especially given that our neutral stand was not made official until the 1920's. Having been under medical care since November 5th, 1941 and passed away in 1942, and the modern passport requirement was not put in place until November 28, 1941, whether Rutherford had a passport is a non-starter.
First of all, the passport oath is defending a document establishing the legal rights of a sovereign territory, which should not be conflated with pledging allegiance to the flag. The former is a promise of upholding the sovereign rights of a national territory, while the latter is idolatry. Nor is violence made a requirement of defending that document. It is a legal document, therefore “defending” only goes as far as its legal status.
As to Knorr, the Scriptures state: "To Jehovah belongs the earth and everything on it" (Ps 24:1) and “there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God." (Romans 13:1b) So fealty to any ruler or rulership can be seen as fealty to God. Thus Jesus' words "pay back Caesar's things to Ceasar" applies as explained in the September 15, 1964 Watchtower, p. 551. (Luke 20:25) Paul also stated: “Let every person be in subjection to the superior authorities,” (Romans 13:1a) and "to be in subjection and to be obedient to governments and authorities, to be ready for every good work." (Titus 3:1)
If they ask for fealty to the state or person, then this is not incompatible with fealty to God. It is, after all, a matter of territory in the earth owned by God, not divine sovereignty.
However, the July 22, 1975 Watchtower, p. 28, explained this about the passport oath: "If an applicant finds this objectionable, he is permitted to strike this oath from the passport application, and he will not be denied the document on that basis." It also re-emphasized the 1964 article. In fact, the wording of the declaration itself indicates that it is optional when it says, "I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations, or purpose of evasion. So help me God.” You cannot be said to take the pledge freely if your right to travel abroad is being held hostage based upon whether you sign the pledge or not.
Paul said: "We have the right to be accompanied by a believing wife, as the rest of the apostles and the Lord’s brothers and Cephas, do we not?" (1 Co 9:5) Note that he identifies the apostles and Jesus' brothers having wives, but does not mention Jesus himself having a wife. Jesus' figurative bride is the congregation of anointed. (Mt 9:15; 22:2-14; 25:1-12; John 3:29-30; Rev 19:7-9; 21:2)
For the record, Jehovah's Witnesses don't classify as "Bible thumpers" because their hands end up IN the Bible, not on it, and they are taught to be polite, not overwhelming, and they don't believe in a fiery hell where the soul burns alive for eternity.
Good day all... Has anyone ever looked into the Jewish belief of Pikuach nefesh? The belief and understanding that one can break God's laws to save a life.. I know this is not prohibited, but I am trying to look for extra reading material from a Biblical history perspective on how Jews understood things really and viewed its
Question was asked to me why we would not follow the practice of Pikuach nefesh when it comes to blood transfusions
I was not aware of this term until it was asked to me
The question of blood is of greater concern than whether someone's life is saved on the Sabbath. The Maccabees even went to war on the Sabbath. But the Sabbath has nothing to do with giving us salvation. Salvation comes through the blood of a sinless man spilled as a lawbreaker. He gave up his life for us and we are under obligation to give up our lives for our brothers. (1Jo 3:16) Why not for Christ? Paul wrote:
"For if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left, but there is a certain fearful expectation of judgment and a burning indignation that is going to consume those in opposition. Anyone who has disregarded the Law of Moses dies without compassion on the testimony of two or three. How much greater punishment do you think a person will deserve who has trampled on the Son of God and who has regarded as of ordinary value the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and who has outraged the spirit of undeserved kindness with contempt? For we know the One who said: 'Vengeance is mine; I will repay.' And again: 'Jehovah will judge his people.' It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."—Hebrews 10:26-31
Now note the fundamental points in those verses. Practicing sin willfully, trampling on the Son of God by regarding his blood as ordinary, which is a greater sin than breaking the Law, and contemptuously outraging the spirit of undeserved kindness.
It is one thing to submit to sin in a moment of fear, which is why the GB has allowed for moments of weakness in their most recent update regarding blood transfusions, but to continue to make that decision over and over, as in the case of some with chronic conditions, is to treat the blood of Christ as having an ordinary or mundane value. It is disregarding the value of Christ's sacrifice. If one does not value the blood of Christ, then they do not value the gift it brings: everlasting life.
Fun fact: sperm whales are the only whales that ever occasionally enter the Mediterranean when their food source grows scarce and warm currents draw them in.
Also, sperm whales, as with trains and the rearview of trucks, cannot see what is directly in front of them (or behind them as with trucks). So when Jonah fell into the sea, if dropping down directly in front of the whale as it opened its maw, would have been "engulfed" (as the Heb. word actually means, not "swallowed").
Regarding the JW Venue in Silkeborg, Denmark, we cannot really deny the imagery in the stadium's construction, though possibly coincidental given the shape of the plot of land acquired, though the result is fairly striking. It is not "the eye of Horus", but "the Eye of Providence" that it resembles, otherwise known as "the all seeing eye". The problem is that it is an ancient Trinitarian, not Freemason, symbol. The Freemasons only adopted the eye itself, not the pyramid. Its association with the Illuminati has never been established. It merely appeared on the cover of the book that created the mythology of the Illuminati. For more on that, see the following link: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20170809-the-accidental-invention-of-the-illuminati-conspiracy (I have watched this conspiracy grow exactly as described here from the beginning,)
Now As to how the GB could have possibly approved its construction (1993 Yearbook), the GB likely never saw an aerial view of the stadium along with the parking lot, because stadium blueprints never include the parking lot, nor the folliage. I used to work for a mechanical contractor who worked both with the Kingdome and Mariner Stadiums, and I saw that the stadium blueprints never included the parking lot or foliage. If you look up "stadium blueprints" on Google, you will see that they do not include the parking lots.
Besides this, the foliage has been done with 3D paintings since the 1940's, so what the GB saw was a stadium blueprint, a parking lot blueprint and a foliage rendering. They never saw the three together in a single image. If it was the actual intent of the designer, then either he was a contractor (Which the organization uses when we lack members with the required expertese), or was either an apostate trying to slip it by the GB or someone who had no idea what the symbol meant.
My writing partner wrote:
I wonder if anyone ever thought of this: if the GB is so keen on hiding their alleged connections to the Masons or some other secret society, then why is it that they go out of their way to make this connection known by splashing their "Masonic" imagery all over the place; in WT magazines, in their building architecture, etc? Would you not think they would starve the conspiracy nuts so that it wouldn't infiltrate the minds of those (JWs) whom they are trying to protect from such stuff by DENYING said connections?
Think, please.